Did you know?
Author: Alan Porter Director Pony Parts Australia

Have you ever seen these?
Yes , your new Mustang is factory equipped with these two handy items . Chances are you will have discovered them while installing your Pony Parts Australia DriveSava
spare wheel kit.
The first item (Photo 1) is an emergency towing bolt.
You’ll locate it in the big foam block in the centre of the spare tyre well.
You will have to remove this foam block when stowing your Pony Parts Australia DriveSava spare wheel kit .
As almost all modern cars have plastic front bumpers there is no easily located towing point that won’t damage them . Look closely, you’ll find a 50mm (2”) plastic button that pops out on the drivers side front bumper . Remove it to screw in the towing bolt .
Should you ever have the misfortune to be towed this will avoid unwanted towing damage to your pride and joy.
The second item (photo 2) is a Short funnel tube which needs to be used during an emergency refuel.
The Ford motor company have stowed this in the spare tyre well at the rear left hand side, (almost hidden from view).
As your new Mustang has the fuel cap incorporated as part of the fuel door you’ll need to use it to pour fuel from the jerry can into your cars fuel tank.
Keep it stowed correctly , you may need it one day , but let’s hope not !
Best regards and safe motoring from the friendly team at Pony Parts Australia.